Chapters Program
Safely Connected Chapters Program creates “Eating Disorder Centres” in Universities throughout Canada. This program is dedicated to creating accessible, accountable, and supportive spaces on university campuses for students to connect, relate, and heal their relationship to their body, food, and eating. It both centers youth skills development, and the needs of students with eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image issues on college campuses.
Our Current Chapters
The Eating Disorder Centre of the SSMU (EDCSSMU).
Created in 2019, this Centre offers eating disorder support services, events, promotion, and campaigning to the Students of McGill University.
The COPAIN UQÀM (“Centre d'Orientation pour les Problèmes Alimentaires, d'Image corporelle et de Nutrition de l'UQÀM”) is our second chapter, developing since 2023.
Want to help create more chapters? Your support can make it happen.
The organization provides mentorship, resources, and training to students creating independent chapters on post-secondary campuses with support services, advocacy efforts, events, and information regarding eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image issues. We provide:
A clear agreement on what this relationship will entail,
A private website with guides, templates, and resources on how to create, develop, and run a chapter,
Monthly check-ins,
Individualized support and guidance,
Annual training on how to provide trauma-informed, inclusive, and accessible eating disorder support services.
This program has core components:
Chapters are independent from our organization, built to give students the liberty to create chapters directed by their needs and experiences.
Chapters provide support groups for students with eating disorders, disordered eating, or body image issues,
Chapters receive training from Safely Connected’s team annually,
Chapters have to abide by Safely Connected’s mandate.
Reach out to Our resources may be limited in order to open more chapters at the moment, but our team is always willing to start conversations, and see what we can do!